2.5 yrs ago we set about to prove that #Linkedin was a poor choice for B2B professionals to help grow their business, and how wrong were we.
Today, after putting in the hard work, the countless concerns, and annoying 1 or 2 along the way, I’ve got to say that I’m extremely happy with the evidence that sits before me.
We set about targeting the “RIGHT” future customer, rather than our peers or other professionals like us.
We set about to provide insane value through insights, posts, sharing content of connections, writing our own copy, endorsing our connections for what “they” want to be endorsed for… shot video, delivered weekly webinars, traveled the country delivering seminars and more. That’s what ‘CONTENT MARKETING’ is all about, it’s about giving “REAL VALUE that can help others to be better versions of themselves.”
We then realised that in order to have someone show interest, you first have to ask. And there is the cracker for me!
“What if they say NO?”, “What if they don’t like me?”, “What if they report me for annoying spam messages?
All good questions, but these will see you looking the wrong way.
What about the possibility? What about the #opportunity? What does NO actually mean?
Spam to one maybe Life to another – remember that! Make your decisions around growth off both considerations, not just one.
So today, as I pass through 19,000 targeted SME business decision maker connections I reflect on what this has brought us.
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve added key individuals who understand the value of growth.
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve added on average 633 new connections per month with personally written connection requests.
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve written and shared over 100 articles and posts to deliver value to my community.
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve delivered 120 hours of workshops and seminars around AUS to help business owners get better value from their Linkedin profiles for business.
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve asked the question over 30,000 times, “Would you be interested to learn more about how to have a Million Dollar profile on Linkedin?”
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve received over 22,500 “No” replies.
In 2.5 yrs, I’ve generated over 7,500 leads.
In 2.5 yrs, from MY profile alone in the financial year of 2016/17, I generated revenue of $1.44M, with the pipeline for this new FY in excess of $2.5M.
In 2.5 yrs, we’re growing at 10-12.5% each month consistently since Day 1.
Challenge students close deals and grow their businesses faster with our proven 3-phase strategy.
This limited availability program is about to start – are you ready?
So how does it work?
We’ve applied a simple strategy.
We’ve taken consistent action.
We haven’t stopped because someone got offended.
We learned to love the word NO, because around every no is a YES.
We learned that we don’t have all the answers, but are willing to discover them by asking more questions.
But most of all, we learned that:
In order to be an #Influencer, you need a mindset of #GROWTH and willingness to get into #ACTION.
To grow you need to be willing to CHANGE.
To succeed you’ve got to be able to say I DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING.
You need to surround yourself with others who know more than you, and pay them what they’re worth – and that’s called LEVERAGE.
So, as I pass this milestone today, be clear on these key points that I share, through my experience:
- You get one chance at a first impression – have a powerful profile that SHOUTS that you’re the leader of your market;
- Build a community of prospects not peers – who you target and ask to connect will shape your success.
- Give value and help your community to learn – consistent content delivered daily will build you as an Influencer, you don’t need an icon to say that.
- No one will express interest unless you ask – be willing to accept more NOs in order to get another YES.
I wonder what the next 1,000 connections will bring before Dec 31 – I don’t know, but I won’t die wondering.
P.s. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you grow your business with LinkedIn
1. Grab a free copy of our book: It’s the roadmap to connecting with prospects, engaging with and converting new clients, and leveling up your consulting business – Click Here
2. Join the Influencer Boardroom and connect with other advisors and consultants who are scaling too: It’s our Facebook community where smart advisors and consultants learn to generate more purpose, profit, and power. – Click Here
3. Join us inside our pitch-free private training. We’ll show you our profile optimisation secrets. You’ll learn how to connect with prospects, engage with and convert new clients, and amplify your business on LinkedIn. Click Here
4. Work with me and my team privately and get big results in 90 days. If you’ve got an established business and want to level things up fast, let us help you implement a LinkedIn strategy customised to your business. Have a look at our client results, then apply here and give me some details about your business. Click Here
OK, so the ‘right’ future customer rather than peers and professionals like me – screams at me. Hence the importance of a powerful profile, methinks!! It all fits together snugly I see.
Thank you. I feel like you are talking to me, reading this.